Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My comment

In response to Adam Ryan's post.

I see your argument on this topic, but I think that this law would disrupt the environment of a higher educational campus. Its not because I don't see good in other people, but the fact that certain people have "potential" power that benefits them. I wouldn't want to be stuck on campus due to several students stuck in a standoff, wear a bullet-proof vest everyday to keep myself safe, or constantly worry if there's somebody waiting to mug me. Student safety on all levels of education is a concern, but there are other ways to approach this issue.

If we mandate passengers to go through metal detectors to get on a plane, why not implement them for school? It does cost money, but our government is concerned elsewhere with it's investments. A student with a gun on campus has any potential, regardless of their character. Sure they may save a live or several of them, but we all can't be heroes.

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