Thursday, February 26, 2009

The cure?

In this editorial, they discuss a possible upcoming solution that will help cure the common cold. Although there is a twist in the cure, they have decoded a strand of Rhinovirus that could possibly lead to a cure, but researchers are still conducting studies and performing tests.

The author is appealing to people, present or future, who seek a cure for the common cold. He does not go into much depth in any details, it is very vague and brief. He is simply relaying a message rather than delivering further details, but he does emphasize the attention our medical field needs. Whether it be further research, hiring patients, or producing the cure, we often overlook the hard work medical researchers and fund them insufficiently. That is why the author wrote this editorial, to help support the drive of this medical research by appealing to a huge audience and giving a sense of hope while establishing his cause.

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